Friday, January 1, 2010


(For that foolish person inside me....wrote it on the new year day of 2010)

You said that I was a fool to fall in love,
For my dreams which were simply naive.
You said that I was only too stupid enough,
To listen to my heart and believe.

I always wanted to make you understand,
That this fool is a fool for a reason.
But you always remained in the deathly dark,
Delivering only shadows in this season.

You said that I was a fool to hurt myself,
Out of the pain of suffocation and no breathing.
You said that I was a fool to slash my arm open,
Because you won't even care, if I die bleeding.

Cold and dead were the lonely nights,
With my dreams they are jolted awake.
In the midst of dark and flowing times,
Of night’s grandeur, my breath they only shake.

You said that I was a fool to believe in life,
Where no hope would ever present itself.
You said that I was just a fool and nothing more,
To be abused and to be put upon a dusty shelf.

I’ve been cold and I’ve been distant to all,
Perhaps being hated beyond life’s cruelest measure.
Still I’ve foundered love and stood firm upon it,
To seek nothing more than your heart’s treasure.

Still you said that I was a fool to fall in love,
For you are too blinded by games, hate and greed.
But I hope one day, a true fool I can find,
Because this lonely heart is one fool in need.


RD said...

Incredibly original, eloquent, lucid, deep, emotional, sensitive... m falling short of words!
I would like to give the person a piece of my mind who dares to consider you a fool. I must say you have grown a lot since you first took up writing :)
Keep Smiling Mr. (Genius) Fool!!

Niraj said...

If a fool like you can produce such poems, then I'd be the next one to call you a fool. Great job man. Too good.

Prosit said...

@ All: Yeah I guess...I should remain a fool forever !! :P