Tuesday, March 9, 2010


(I've been missing my "KAPAA" group from my school days a lot lately....wrote it on 9th March, 2010)

Sometimes in my life I often wonder
Why do I live in my lost memories more ?
Why do I always walk on the steps
That leads to the front of my past's door ?

I tried so hard to live in the present
But have lost myself in the world of hate.
A little smile yet a loner deep inside
Admitting myself to the writings of my fate.

But remembering the days of the past
When life was all of sunshine and rain.
I feel like I am newly born yet again
A little hope in the world of my pain.

Going back again to the realms of past
When to live a life was not only a name.
Tears of little joy roll down my cheek
Perhaps all of life was not playing a game.

Though still today I live in my memories
Where past still relives deep in my heart.
They say that past never let you move forward
But my past and present they are not apart.


Unknown said...

nice one pro......really liked it.
the last stanza stands out...nd the last line is awesome...
ya nd it really w'll make the grp members nostalgic

sangeeta said...

really awesome.......darun hoeche...keep it up !!!!

Prosit said...

@ Avaneesh: I miss my school days so much !! :-(

@ Sangeeta: Thnx a lot.. :-)